Friday, May 23, 2008

Two Years of Stealth Blogging!

I was attempting to complete the previous post when Peter and Jon decided to chat. They took turns coming into the computer room, standing beside me and discussing whatever it was they were talking about. Actually, I have no idea what they were saying... I thought they'd never leave. I had heard footsteps approaching and did my usual trick, switching over to Spider Solitaire as each one arrived on scene. I swear, I must have played twenty sloppy games of Spider Solitaire. It's a decent enough game, but I really didn't want to be playing it that much. Somewhere around the fifteenth game it suddenly dawned on me, I've passed the TWO YEAR mark blogging without the family knowing. Two years I've been posting on this blog and those clods are still blissfully unaware!


At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brillant, Susan, good on you!
Try changing to Hearts for a while, though, that spider solitaire must be getting a bit boring by now ;-)

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Jan said...

That IS amazing!
Good to pop in to see you again.

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Kimmy said...

I like spider solitaire. I haven't played in ages.

Congrats on your most impressive accomplishment. Keep up the stealthiness.

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Sharon Sahl said...

Susan, I found you on Petrona while trying to find out what 6 word biograhies were; I loved both of yours (even the ambiguity of story seas) and have to say that I will be back to see what books you're recommending. I've been stuck on survivalist garden books and the odd book pointed out to me by my sister ("Water For Elephants"). One book I read a long time ago by a Canadian author was "The Invention of the World" and I loved it. I really like your blog; style, content and stealhiness. Keep up the good work.

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Sharon! Thank you for stopping by. Your survivalist garden books intrigue me; I'd love to know which ones you've been reading.

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Sharon Sahl said...

Hi again,
The first book that got me interested was Micheal Polan's "Omnivore's Dilemma", which while not technically about gardening was a good introduction to Joel Salatin's farm model. Now I'm reading Steve Solomon's "Gardening When It Counts". It is incredibly informative and very well written. Barbara Kingsolver's "Animal, Vegetable, MIracle" has also been recommended but I haven't gotten to it yet. The irony is that we are trying to sell this house and get somewhere we have room to garden.

At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They sound interesting, Sharon. It really does make sense to grow a little of our own produce. I'm not sure I could rely on myself to keep at the work part :-) I'm growing my own tomatoes though, and peppers, artichokes, rhubarb and kiwis. We've got a couple of fruit trees too that produce haphazardly. I don't think there'd be enough to keep us going in a pinch, but I suppose every little bit helps.

I read something of the description on the Solomon book (at Amazon) and it looks like he needs a lot of land for his garden. I hope you can find a property that suits.

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Sharon Sahl said...

Wow, where to start? Thanks for looking at my blog. It has been a fun wsy to let crafting friends in Ohio and my sister in Californis know what I'm up to.

You grow more things than we have (tomatoes and herbs mostly) but they are things I would definitely like to try. We're not thinking self sufficiency yet - just learning to grow and preserve some food and maybe have a few chickens and goats.

I felt as if we had some things in common even before I read your profile: quiet birthdays and an aversion to "Gilmore Girls". I have two questions. Was that you in the kayak that flipped over? And what is berry sugar? I'd like to try the Pavlova.

At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon! No, thank goodness that wasn't me flipping the kayak! I'm a pure coward and keep very close to shore. When I have been that close to a killer whale it's been in a larger boat. They were just being playful in the video but that kind of playful could also be deadly (especially for a non-swimmer like me!)

Berry sugar is just granulated sugar that's been refined a bit more, so it's a tiny bit finer, but not as fine as icing sugar. My mother always said that you could make your own berry sugar by putting granulated sugar in a blender for a a few spins. It's not a big deal though and you don't really need to use berry sugar exclusively in the recipe. The only reason you might go with it would be to reduce the amount of mixing you had to do. You want all the graininess to go out of the mix, so if it's regular granulated sugar it might take more time. You can check that the sugar is all dissolved in the mix by putting a bit on your finger and feeling for any residual graininess. It's really quite simple and depending on your mixer probably won't take much time at all. I had a primitive old hand-mixer that used to take twenty to thirty minutes to do the job - eventually it burned out - but my new hand mixer (nothing special, I paid $14 for it!) is so fast! I think the last Pavlova only took about fifteen to twenty minutes to make. First time you make it, err on the side of caution though and mix a little longer than you really want to.

I looked for you on Facebook - found a Sharon Sahl and sent her a message. If it's you I thought we could exchange e-mail addresses if you want. (I'm just a little nervous about posting the email address on the blog.)


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