Life is an Interesting Business
Isn't it? You never know where a day will take you. I won't bother with the other items I was going to post because today took an unexpected turn. Peter picked up the telephone this afternoon and had a conversation which seemed typical of the ones in which I prompt from the background "Tell them we're
not interested!" The person on the other end of the line was doing most of the talking and Peter's responses were congenial, reserved, receptive...odd. He got off the 'phone and told me that it was Sand's Funeral Home who had buried his father in 1983. They had been contacted by a retired Vancouver police officer...
What? Said police officer had provided detailed data on Peter's father and believes that Peter's father was also
his father. He had contacted the funeral home in an effort to connect with family. Actually, it was all very polite and civilized. Our new brother telephoned a couple of hours ago and I chatted with him for about half an hour and then handed the phone over to Peter for another hour's chat. He sounds like a very nice man and by his description, he probably looks like a Peter clone. Also over six feet. Also 'big'. Jet black hair until he got older. Bald on top. We're looking forward to meeting him.
Wow! That's an incredible story.
Hope it all goes well.
Gadzooks! Well, that's highly bloggable.
How brilliant that you have automatically started to refer to him as 'brother' when this could have been very devastating news.
Good luck with your new family addition and I hope that we are going to hear how the meeting went!
This sounds fascinating and quite moving - I wonder if the internet has allowed him to make the connection.
I'm not sure that the internet helped in finding us, but it's certainly helping in communicating now. We've exchanged pictures and I think both sides were taken aback by the remarkable family resemblance. No need for any DNA testing - looking at the pictures is all that's needed. Oddly enough, our new brother looks more like their father than Peter does.
Wow! What? Send me a picture.
(It's actually kind of ironic, when you think about it....)
As Martha said, it is ironic. I spent years searching for a half-brother of my own who is still out in the world somewhere. I think I even had something to do with the legal changes that allowed Peter's brother to trace his roots. I lobbied local politicians, haunted the legislature, and generally made a pest of myself while demanding changes to allow adoptees and birth relatives to find each other. My own search is still unresolved. I'm glad that the "Bro's" is done. I hope that it provides closure and a level of contentment.
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