Can You Name This?
I guarantee that you know the name of this flower. Can you come up with it?
I think it's time to tell you. Great guess, Maxine. Amazing guess, Kimmy! I had never seen the flower before. It's ginger. I made stirfry a while ago and had a bit of leftover ginger, about the size of my thumb. After a few days I spotted a little green tip and decided to try growing it. It's not the most impressive plant, but it's certainly an interesting one.
Calla lily
Thanks for guessing! I'm amazed that anyone recognized it. Kimmy, have you lived in the tropics?
I'd gessed artichoke - but blogger wouldn't let me post. Huh, wrong, anyway - weird-looking plant - very exotic. Does it smell of ginger?
I don't think I have ever seen ginger growing before. We usually have one of those knobbly roots of it in the fridge, but I've never seen the plant.
Clare's suggestion is interesting as it has just made me realise that the ginger root looks like the artichoke root (I think? Am I thinking of the right plant?) I will have to go and look up to see if they are related in view of their apparent visual similarity (rootwise?!)
Oh don't be silly, ginger comes in little jars!
Wow, I got it right, yay me!
Nope, never lived in the tropics, wouldn't want to:-)
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