Thursday, July 20, 2006


"Canadian Business" is a rather good investment magazine. Their July 17 issue has an article titled "They're Golden" in which they look at some of the best places to retire. The article cites Warren Bland, professor emeritus of geography at the Northridge campus of California State University who wrote "Retire in Style: 60 Oustanding Places Across the U.S.A. and Canada". Guess what city tops his list? Victoria! He used a set of twelve criteria which retirees should consider, including landscape, climate, cost of living, transportation, crime and health care. For each category he awarded a score out of five. Victoria was tops, with 52 points, followed by Boulder, Colorado, London, Ontario and Portland, Oregon, each with 51 points. San Antonio, Texas got 50 points and Asheville, North Carolina, Austin Texas and Boca Raton, Florida got 48 points.

The "Best Place for Weather Refugees" category was won by Victoria. The article states: "It's been said before, but it bears repeating: Victoria's climate can't be beat. Not in Canada, anyhow. For those seeking escape from winter's rigours but who are reluctant to leave the country, this urban oasis tucked onto the southeastern tip of Vancouver Island is ideal. Temperatures are mild year-round, and annual precipitation averages only 84.5 centimetres. (By comparison, Ottawa receives about 235 centimetres of snow every year.) Expect flowers in February."

I told you that I live in paradise! And as for "flowers in February", we've got flowers year-round!


At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And is this the place where the dogs have particularly clean backsides? An important point missed, I feel.

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Susan said...

Why you're right, Clare! They completely missed that. I think I should write and advise them.

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Maxine Clarke said...

Sounds wonderful, Susan. Can I come and visit? (And maybe not come back?)

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Susan said...

Absolutely, Maxine! This community is almost a hybrid of old and new worlds. We have an undeniably 'English' background and yet we are still in sync with North American ideals.

Peter and I were driving around today and it struck me that I even love the names of the streets around my home - Shakespeare St., Byron Street, Chaucer Street, Kipling, Leigh, etc. It's not exclusively English of course, but I suspect that this is the most English part of Canada.


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