Saturday, July 29, 2006


Debra (The Deblog) has just installed a tagboard on her blog and I think it could be the source of a lot of fun. I'm considering lurking there and when I see that another person has entered her site I could shout out "Who are you? What are you doing here?!" I'd be kind of a gatekeeper... I'm sure Debra would be very grateful. The tagboard is the neatest thing, though; it's just an IM device, but it's got a nice little obscenity filter which thoroughly amuses this simpleton.


At 4:13 PM, Blogger dhamel said...

One does feel like lurking! It gives the site more of a feel of...ongoing activity? like it's more than just a static site. Anyway, I actually had a tagboard up on my site years ago, but back then I didn't have nearly as much traffic, so I don't think much happened with it. Now I'm kind of rediscovering the old ways. Funny how quickly time moves when you're talking about computer and internet stuff.

At 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip, Susan. Lurking sounds like fun...maybe I'll see you there.

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Maxine Clarke said...

I just love that vignette, Susan (you as the gatekeeper of the deblog). I don't think I can put a tagboard on Petrona as I am only a "basic" user of typepad, but I do pop into Debra's occasionally, when you let me ;-)

At 7:52 PM, Blogger dhamel said...

Hey, Maxine! I bet you could put one up, actually, as part of a TypeList. Really. You make a TypeList that's a note style and put the code in the note. (But will you see this? Hmmmmmmm.)

Susan: liked the crow story! I know, I'm in the wrong post now to be commenting on that one....

At 7:46 AM, Blogger Maxine Clarke said...

Thanks, Debra! I might give it a go....not that I get many visitors to Petrona, you have an amazing number compared with me (about half of mine are me). But it could be fun.


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