Saturday, July 29, 2006ChatboardDebra (The Deblog) has just installed a tagboard on her blog and I think it could be the source of a lot of fun. I'm considering lurking there and when I see that another person has entered her site I could shout out "Who are you? What are you doing here?!" I'd be kind of a gatekeeper... I'm sure Debra would be very grateful. The tagboard is the neatest thing, though; it's just an IM device, but it's got a nice little obscenity filter which thoroughly amuses this simpleton. |
One does feel like lurking! It gives the site more of a feel of...ongoing activity? like it's more than just a static site. Anyway, I actually had a tagboard up on my site years ago, but back then I didn't have nearly as much traffic, so I don't think much happened with it. Now I'm kind of rediscovering the old ways. Funny how quickly time moves when you're talking about computer and internet stuff.
Thanks for the tip, Susan. Lurking sounds like fun...maybe I'll see you there.
I just love that vignette, Susan (you as the gatekeeper of the deblog). I don't think I can put a tagboard on Petrona as I am only a "basic" user of typepad, but I do pop into Debra's occasionally, when you let me ;-)
Hey, Maxine! I bet you could put one up, actually, as part of a TypeList. Really. You make a TypeList that's a note style and put the code in the note. (But will you see this? Hmmmmmmm.)
Susan: liked the crow story! I know, I'm in the wrong post now to be commenting on that one....
Thanks, Debra! I might give it a go....not that I get many visitors to Petrona, you have an amazing number compared with me (about half of mine are me). But it could be fun.
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