Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Alien Princes

The intergalactic invasion is about to commence! Soon the alien princes( prinsengalerij ) will extend their iron grip to rule Earth. Led by the ruthless Henk, all must bend to their will. Surely one hero will rise in this dark hour to offer hope to the puny earthlings...but WHO?


At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol susan :)

don't worry earthlings - the skintmeister is on the case - jazzed up bicycle pumps are no match for his inter-galactic leek-juice vaporiser

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Maxine Clarke said...

Sometimes the blogosphere is just so darn weird -- and that's just the strange people who lurk in your comments, Susan!

I can't imagine where you found that site, what it is intended to be, or what it is for. The mind can only boggle.

At 3:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Speak for yourself Maxine!!

I also can't imagine where you found this Susan, maybe you should stop fiddling quite so much!

At 1:08 PM, Blogger Maxine Clarke said...

Well it drew Skint out of his shell. Where's he got to these days?

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Susan said...

I think we've all slowed down a bit lately, Maxine. Probably the weather, don't you think? It's so lovely outside that we're actually leaving the computer for hours at a time.


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