Saturday, June 24, 2006


Most of you probably know that I'm terrified of the much so that nothing zoomy is ever added to this page unless Debra Hamel steps up and actually does the job. Now, thanks once again to Debra, I have a site meter added to the blog and a thing down at the bottom that shows links in from other blogs.

I haven't been at this for long, but so far my experience has been nothing but positive. I know it's not all going to be 'roses'; Minx recently had an unpleasant experience that illustrates what can happen when we leave our doors ajar for friends to walk in. Occasionally very unpleasant people might show up. I've been fortunate so far and the people coming through my virtual door are people I'd like to see at my actual door. Debra and I live on opposite sides of North America. Maxine, Minx, and Skint live even farther away. It's a pleasure to know you pixel-ated people!


At 4:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the mention susan, now - your next task is to put links in your comments, see the comments on Pundy's post for assignment instructions, and no cheating and asking mates to do it for you :)

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Maxine Clarke said...

Great post, Susan, I am with you 100 per cent, and it has been a pleasure to get to know you, Debra, Minx, Skint and others through the blogs.

I read an excellent book soon after I had started blogging called "The Weblog Handbook" by Rebecca Blood. You can get it on Amazon. Rebecca's blog is called Rebecca's Pocket. I learned a lot about "the bloggers' creed", as well as a lot of practical stuff, from reading that book.

my best to you,

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Susan said...

Oh, Skinty! There's so much to learn! And I'm doing this all on the 'q.t.' (i.e. quiet) too. I have to drop everything whenever a family member heaves into view. I know the comment section is somewhat lacking - sometimes I'm not even aware that there's been a comment entered. I guess I'd better try to figure it out. It's going to take a while though.

I think I'll look into picking up Rebecca Blood's book, Maxine. Thanks. Oddly enough, I've visited her blog on a fairly regular basis but I wasn't aware she'd put out a book.

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Susan said...

I've been working on it, Skint! You can see that I didn't understand exactly what you were suggesting (clueless b----). Maybe I'll try this new thing out right here...oh dear, it's pretty complicated...[a href = ""]a link to Skinty [/a] I'll bet I've put in spaces that aren't supposed to be there! I suspect this is going to take me a while, Skint. (You really have to spell stuff out to the 'post' in the corner!)

It's not looking good, Skint...

At 5:36 AM, Blogger dhamel said...

Susan, don't you get email when comments are submitted at your blog? If not, it's an option in Blogger.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger Susan said...

I guess I'll go for that option then, Debra. It's probably a good idea alright. Of course, now I'll have to remember to check my e-mail!

Skint or Debra? If either of you happen to read this... What did I do wrong on the posting of links to comments? I made my feeble effort (actually I made quite a few feeble efforts!) in the entry just above Debra's.

At 6:15 PM, Blogger Susan said...

skint writer is fab, in case you didn't know I think I sorta get this, maybe!

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Maxine Clarke said...

Susan, Rebecca's book is very good as it was written just as blogging took off -- at the time she started it, all the bloggers in the world knew each other! The book is a very good mixture of the "personal fascination" of blogging, with practical advice as to how to do it. I don't usually recommend books becuase I have about 300 in my pile and I know what it is like to have even more suggested, but this one, I did like (and I have read a few on blogging that have not been so good.)


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