Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I had to smile last night, thinking how many of us got so excited over a folded piece of paper! Here we are seated at our zoomy computers, some of you crafting amazing wonders and we stopped what we were doing to wax poetic on the wonders of the PocketMod - a simple piece of paper. The more things change, the more they become the same.


At 5:13 PM, Blogger Tom P. said...

And I'm a computer programmer! There are just some jobs that computers aren't good at and one of them is being convenient enough to carry around in your pocket. What we really need is intelligent paper!

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Susan said...

I felt a little silly about it, but I had my PocketMod with me when I went out today. All I had written on it was a three-item list: milk X3, Peak Frean biscuits, and pickles! I think I'll probably make better use of the next one!

At 2:35 AM, Blogger Debi said...

Hi Susan,
I've just rediscovered the wonders of pen and paper! Now I can use the computer for blogging etc but go literally anywhere to do my writing. So simple and so obvious - yet it feels like liberation!
Tom P - intelligent paper? Does it tell you what to write???

At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tap, tap , is there anybody in there . . .

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Susan said...

That's Skint tapping! Just come on in, Skint. The door's always open!

At 1:20 AM, Blogger Maxine Clarke said...

Susan, I am so impressed, you actually used this pocket mod thing?! Congratualtions. I am sure I couldn't get it to work.
I told Malcolm about it (as he uses his online diary thingy for everything )and he didn't seem very interested.
Me, I will continue to use my A5 office diary (which I get as a free perk every year at work!) to write everything in. It works for me and I never forgot to pick up my children from the childminder after work using it.


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